Manatee Couty Florida Website
44th Ave East Extension Projects

A Manatee County Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Project

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The 44th Avenue East alignment from U.S. 41 to Lakewood Ranch Boulevard was included in the 1968 Concept Development Plan as a future thoroughfare to be constructed in stages based on future development growth in the County.  The 44th Avenue East Extension project was later incorporated as part of Manatee County’s 1989 Comprehensive Plan and adopted Capital Improvement Plan.  In July of 2013, construction of the first segment from U.S. 41 to 19th Street East began.  Since that time, construction of approximately 3.5 miles of 44th Avenue East from U.S. 41 to 45th Street East has been completed.  The next segment to be constructed from 45th Street East to Interstate 75 will add approximately 2.7 miles of roadway.  Upon completion of all segments, which will total approximately 8 miles of roadway, 44th Avenue East will connect Cortez Road and its beaches in the west to Lakewood Ranch in the east. It will also provide additional roadway capacity to meet current and anticipated County growth and provide more east-west and north-south connections throughout the County.  In addition to the segments constructed by Manatee County, private developers are in the process of completing more than 5 miles of 44th Avenue East to the east of Lakewood Ranch Boulevard.

The remaining segment from west of I-75 to Lakewood Ranch Boulevard includes a divided roadway with bike lanes, grassed medians, sidewalks, curb and gutter, street lighting, utilities, drainage infrastructure, stormwater infrastructure, and an overpass over I-75.

The funding sources for this project includes Impact Fees, Bond (Debt), Utility Rates, Facility Investment Fees and State Funded Grants.

The funding sources for this project include Impact Fees, Bond (Debt), Utility Rates, and Facility Investment Fees. 

The project segment from 45th Street East to I-75 is substantially complete and open to traffic. In early 2025, the contractor will begin construction of a dedicated right-turn lane on eastbound 44th Avenue East at 45th Street East.
Construction of the segment from I-75 to Lakewood Ranch Boulevard began in January 2023, with anticipated completion in spring 2026.

Manatee County awarded the construction contract for the segment from 45th Street East to I-75 to Woodruff & Sons, Inc. in March 2020. 

Manatee County awarded the construction contract for the segment from I-75 to Lakewood Ranch Boulevard to SEMA Construction in July 2022. 

he construction limits for Project #5 extend from the intersection of 44th Avenue East and 45th Street East eastward over the Braden River to approximately a quarter mile west of I-75.

The construction limits for Project #6 begin where Project #5 ends west of I-75, extending east over the interstate to connect at the intersection of 44th Avenue East, Solutions Lane, and Highlands Links Street.

Construction activities will primarily occur between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, while some night-time operations may be performed from time to time to minimize interruption of traffic.

There will be overlapping tasks occurring simultaneously throughout the project corridor to maximize utilization of personnel and resources to the extent possible.   

Access to neighborhood entrances and driveways will be maintained throughout the duration of the construction project.  Brief, partial closures may be necessary and would be scheduled to occur during periods of low traffic, or at night, to minimize the disruption of traffic.

The contractor, in coordination with the County, will make every effort to minimize traffic issues during construction. 

While no water service interruptions are scheduled or anticipated, residents and businesses will be notified in advance of construction activities that may temporarily affect their water supply.

The contractor will make every effort to maintain access to mailboxes throughout the duration of the construction project. If you are experiencing issues with mail delivery, please contact the project hotline at 941-538-7898 or [email protected] for assistance.

The contractor will make every effort to avoid impacts to garbage and recycling operations throughout the duration of the construction project. If you are experiencing issues with garbage or recycling pick-up, please contact the project hotline at 941-538-7898 or [email protected] for assistance.

The contractor will make every effort to avoid impacts to school bus stop locations within the project limits throughout the duration of the construction project. If you are experiencing construction-related issues with school bus drop off locations, please contact the project hotline at 941-538-7898 or [email protected] for assistance. You may also contact The School District of Manatee County at (941) 708-8770 to report a transportation issue.

As construction progresses, notifications of planned activities and associated impacts are provided to stakeholders located within the affected area via written, email and/or in-person notification(s). Updated project information is also available on the project website at 

For regular project updates, you may contact the community outreach team by phone at 941-538-7898 or email at [email protected] to request to be added to the email distribution list. You may also visit the project website ( for current activities and alerts.

Any project-related questions or concerns can be directed to the community outreach team by phone at 941-538-7898 or email at [email protected], or submitted by completing the form provided on the “Contact Us” page.

Any maintenance or infrastructure issues related to Manatee County can be submitted online by visiting the Public Works Department Manatee 311 page.

The contractor installed signalization where 44th Avenue East intersects Morgan Johnson Road and the new Caruso Road alignment, and at the intersection of 44th Avenue East and Creekwood Boulevard.

The project segment from 44th Avenue East from I-75 to Lakewood Ranch Boulevard does not include new traffic signalization; however, the existing signalization at the intersection of 44th Avenue East and Lakewood Ranch Boulevard will require new connections and adjustments.

The maximum clearance for the completed 44th Avenue East bridge is 10.2 feet above the average high-water elevation, similar to that of the State Road 64 bridge to the north.

The Bald Eagle nest has been identified and a permit has been obtained from federal wildlife officials to ensure the eagle’s habitat will not be disrupted during construction of the project.

Sound barrier walls will not be included as part of the 44th Avenue East Extension Project. 

The speed limit for this segment of the 44th Avenue East Extension project is 45 m.p.h.
The speed limit for this segment of 44th Avenue East will be 45 m.p.h. and the speed limit for the new Lena Road segment will be 30 m.p.h.

The project segment from west of I-75 to Lakewood Ranch Boulevard includes the installation of a roundabout at the intersection of 44th Avenue East and Lena Road.

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